Who we are
Sustainable development by enhancing the local resources
We are an Italian organization whose mission is to promote sustainable local development, social cohesion, international cooperation and youth employment through training and self-employment guidance.
Our history
What we know and do best
In over 15 years of activity, we have promoted and managed, directly or in collaboration with public and private bodies, numerous training, territorial development and transnational cooperation projects.
We are therefore very familiar with the following funds and programs:
ERDF, ESF, FIFG, Urban, Archimed, Medocc, 3C West, Grundtvig, Ita-Malta, EIE, EAGGF, Erasmus +.

Our commitments
Relationships and networks
We are committed to promoting the involvement of public institutions and local actors who are protagonists of development processes and to facilitate the participation of the main actors involved in the "education-training-work-entrepreneurship" chain, in territorial cooperation initiatives, youth mobility, planning and experimentation of innovative and appreciated European training tools.
The Consulting
What we believe in
We believe that work and youth employment pass through the commitment and dialogue between educational institutions, families and businesses.
We think it is necessary to change the way we see our professional future (not necessarily a single job, as an employee, for the rest of our lives), aiming from an early age on the formation of an entrepreneurial mindset and propensity for innovation.
We strive to strongly stimulate institutions to encourage and promote youth work through entrepreneurship and start-up creation.
We believe that to foster the development of a territory, it is necessary to underline local specificities, establish a dialogue between public and private stakeholders and open cooperation.
Il Team
A multidisciplinary team to take care of every aspect of the projects.

Medoro is committed to promoting the involvement of public institutions and local actors who are protagonists of development processes and, in particular, to facilitate the participation of the main actors involved in the “education-training-work-entrepreneurship” chain, to the initiatives of territorial cooperation, youth mobility, design and experimentation of innovative and valued European training tools.”